Occupational transitions to residential living
Supporting evidence and best practices
CAOT’s Aging in Place Position Statement provides guidance for occupational therapists looking to expand their practice in the areas identified in The World Health Organization’s Age Friendly Communities model.
OSOT’s Long Term Care homes resources
[Webinar] Creating Funding Success: ADP
Innovative and emerging practices
CarFit is an educational program that provides a quick, yet comprehensive review of how well you and your vehicle work together. The program also provides information and materials on community-specific resources that could enhance your driving safety and increase mobility.
Contacts and services
Canadian Home Builders’ association
Help us build this resource library!
We invite you to submit your research, or information about innovative practices and services relevant to En-AGE. Your submission will be considered by the OSOT’s seniors’ advisory panel. Acceptable formats for resources include: articles, presentations, events, informational documents or websites, online courses, textbooks, webinars or workshops. Click on the button below to submit resources.