Caregiving occupations
Supporting Evidence And Best Practices
[Webinar] Supporting families across the care continuum
What a well-known therapist has learned from family caregivers
Innovative And Emerging Practices
Occupational therapist Nira Rittenberg collaborates with clients and caregivers to develop creative solutions to problems.
Contacts And Services
CaregiverExchange is a resource for caregivers which provides access to information about services and articles related to caregiving.
The Ontario Caregiver Organization
The organization is made up of a group of diverse organizations that work to raise the profile of caregivers and to promote public policy to support caregivers.
The Change Foundation.
With a firm commitment to engaging the voices of patients, family caregivers and health and community care providers, the Foundation explores contemporary health care issues through different projects and partnerships to evolve our health care system in Ontario and beyond.
Ontario Caregiver Coalition: The Voice of Family Caregivers
Help us build this resource library!
We invite you to submit your research, or information about innovative practices and services relevant to En-AGE. Your submission will be considered by the OSOT’s seniors’ advisory panel. Acceptable formats for resources include: articles, presentations, events, informational documents or websites, online courses, textbooks, webinars or workshops. Click on the button below to submit resources.